The "Real" Indie Hustling Game!


  • I built many SaaS products, but I failed to generate any revenue.
  • The reason? I never marketed them.
  • Why? I was too busy polishing the product.
  • With my lesson learned, I thought it would be funny to create a game that teaches you what NOT to do in the SaaS world.
  • The game is both humorous and educational!
  • You enjoy ruining a SaaS business, you’ll learn the common (and hilarious) mistakes entrepreneurs make in the real world.
  • Think of it as a startup disaster simulator!

Behind the Scenes

  • I purchased the domain name 0mrr.com few weeks back.
  • I asked chatGPT to what should I do with this domain name.
  • It suggested many ideas, I liked this one the best.
  • Then I used Cursor AI to build this game.
  • I am a developer, but I decided not to write any code. I just directed composer of CursorAI, to write the code for this game.
  • MVP was ready in 3 hours.
  • In total, it took 4 days and 134 commits to make it like my vision.
  • I still have dozens of imaginary things to add or improve. But I decided to ship it.

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